After the 2013 crisis, the women of faith initiated a monthly prayer and fasting to God for his intervention, the South Sudanese Women of faith believe that by praying and fasting the stability and insecurities will come to an end. However, due to the pandemic, the religious women halt back from the procession that was to happen in the three states.

Women of faith pray during the monthly prayer and fasting day. Photo Credit: Kiden Viola Lubang

On the 16th of Oct 2021, the Women of faith conducted their first even monthly prayer and fasting bringing in all the tribes from the three states under the theme. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and Courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9. This long initiative not only focused or encouraged an environment of peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation but also aimed at enhancing the ecumenical fellowship and relationship within the community of the faithful SSCC member churches, its affiliates, and other Christian denominations within the regions and it has strengthened the coexistence of the members’ churches.

Much as the permanent ceasefire continues to hold out, there have been sporadic tribal conflicts across the region, abduction, and killings of civilians, youth harassment of humanitarian workers hence, prompting the continuity of prayers and fasting in the entire country.

The monthly prayer and fasting have created a forum for these women to share their experiences, harness the spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness amongst the ethnic tribes of the Equatoria region. The faithful as well believe that through the prayers and fasting, the narrative and the context of conflicts would change to a peaceful environment, co-existence of the ethnic tribes, reconciliation, forgiveness, healing, and restoration of healthy relationships.

Women of faith standing for a group picture after the prayers. Photo Credit: Kiden Viola Lubang.

Furthermore, collectively, and together as women of faith, they asked The South Sudan Council of Churches to request government authorities to approve the street prayer rallies.

A picture taken from the back as women of faith pray for peace in South Sudan. Photo Credit Kiden Viola Lubang.


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