With the theme “From stopping the war to consolidation of peace: challenges and opportunities,” the South Sudan Council of Churches, SSCC Board of Trustees, and its partners, both global, regional, and national, met in Kenya, Lukenya, on 26th April 2022 to 30th April 2022 to reflect on the Action Plan for Peace.

Partners of SSCC during a group discussion. PHOTO CREDIT: QUIN VIOLA

The Action Plan for Peace is a homegrown and church-led strategy created by SSCC in 2015 comprehensively to address the root causes and long-term effects of conflict through Advocacy, Neutral Forums, Healing, and Reconciliation. The Action Plan for Peace (APP) envisions “A peaceful, prosperous, and reconciled South Sudan built on inclusive citizens engagement at all levels,” It signifies an approach to ending violence in South Sudan by building on the decades of church experience in peace building and reconciliation.

SSCC Staff brainstorming on emerging dynamics of peace building and the role of advocacy. PHOTO CREDIT: QUIN VIOLA

The three-day APP review allowed the current church leaders of South Sudan to recommit themselves and the church to continue working for peace and justice in South Sudan, reaffirm the unity of churches in South Sudan, and celebrate the positive changes that the APP achieved since 2015.

With the change of context in the conflict in South Sudan, the APP review was to reflect more on how the church can approach the inter-communal conflict triggered by cattle raids, land grabbing, and communal and inter-communal conflicts that have intensified in most parts of South Sudan in the recent years.


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