South Sudan Council of Churches in Partnership with Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), conducted a Gender Mainstreaming training between the 23rd to 27th in August 2021 and 15th to 20th in Sept 2021 targeting about 64 participants that included 21 male and 43 female across members of the Youths, ICCs, Women Link, stakeholders’ peace partners, and civil society organizations in Upper Nile (Malakal) and Bhar El Gazel (Wau).
The training impacted participants with knowledge and skills in the integration of gender Justice-gender mainstreaming approaches in peace-building and conflict transformation, enhanced participant’s understanding of the effects of Gender-Based Violence, mobilized a collective and strong effort to campaign against Gender-Based Violence especially in critical times of conflict and cemented the integration of gender mainstreaming in the SSCC APP strategy and ensured religious leaders and women actively participate in activities aimed at inculcating and building peace and reconciliation in their communities.
The training also boosted ICC leaders with knowledge and skills on UNSCR 1325 on gender equality promotion and enabled the youths and women to develop an action plan, empowering them to become agents and ambassadors of peace in their respective locations.